Как обрести концентрацию в напряженной и полной стрессов повседневной жизни
Каждый день миллионы людей страдают от нарушений сна, которые оказывают существенное влияние на их здоровье и качество жизни. Нам хорошо знакомы эти проблемы, и мы верим, что с небольшой помощью каждый может провести тихую и спокойную ночь.
That is why Stellini decided to offer a completely natural solution to improve sleep in a more comfortable
Sensory evaluation of the RELAX fabric on a target group of 20 people aged 20 to 40 years, carried out in ITA Test (Poland) in accordance with the third iteration of the PB15/DA testing procedure dated 12.02.2013
A gentle solution for instant sleep and stress relief
Do we have time to relax when we still have so much to do? Easier said than done, with so many things demanding our time during the day. So let’s combine relaxation with sleep!
But what is the real benefit of relaxation?
Improved sleep
Increased concentration
More efficient daily
Slower heart rate –
less work for the heart
Lower blood pressure Reduced oxygen
demand Increased blood flow to major muscles Reduced symptoms of illness, such as headaches
Direct connection
RELSX and improved sleep quality: the perfect duo for a good night’s rest.
RELAX is not only good for improving your health, mental strength, and stress levels. It can also help you sleep better. This natural wellness remedy promotes sleep thanks to a blend of hemp oil and cannabidiol extract.
KEY INGREDIENTS FOR A GOOD NIGHT Cannabidiol, better known as CBD, is a hemp molecule found in the cannabis plant (Cannabis Sativa). Hemp is a natural active ingredient that has no psychotropic effects